dharma serviceS


The Dharma services we provide fall into three categories:

  1. Supplying Tibetan Medicine products for self-healing
  2. Prayer and Practice Requests
  3. Tibetan Astrological and Tibetan DreamWork Services

1. Tibetan Self-Healing Products


2. Prayer and Practice Requests

At Pristine Awareness: Foundation for Buddhist Practice we offer prayers and practices to support you and your loved ones in troubled times. We perform practices to alleviate the suffering of illness, mental health problems, grief and loss, and all other challenges.

Fire Ceremony (Sang Puja) - The main practice we perform to alleviate suffering is the traditional Tibetan practice known as Sang puja, which is an incense or smoke offering, sometimes known as a fire puja. 

The word Sang in Tibetan has the meaning of to remove or take away, as well as to clear, cleanse and awaken. In Sang puja we gather offerings, including fragrant incense, and burn them while visualizing that from the fragrant smoke appear limitless offerings of every desirable object that pervade all of space. The offerings are sent to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, to those to whom we owe any karmic debt, and to all sentient beings of this realm and all others. We intend that the offerings satisfy all of these beings unique desires and clear our connection to these beings, both enlightened and mundane.


This practice has great power to perfect the accumulation of merit and wisdom and is thus much more than a simple offering of incense or smoke. This practice has been taught by Guru Rinpoche in the treasure teachings as a profound practice of generosity, connection and release. The specific Sang practice we use, Offering of Awareness, Boundless as Space, is unique to our lineage. This practice is an offering to Samantabhadri (Kuntuzangmo) and Samantabhadra (Kuntuzangpo), the source of the Dzogchen teachings. The offerings made in incense and smoke ceremonies are said to dissolve all karmic debts and accumulate vast stores of merit, which helps to remove obstacles and show us the way forward out of our difficulties. On the ultimate level they connect ourselves andthose we are doing the practice for to the ultimate or true nature of all.

Bardo Prayers - We also perform rites for the dead and dying, specifically the prayers from the Bardo Thodol (Tibetan Book of the Dead). These rites guide the dying and deceased as they progress through the bardos and offer the opportunity of total liberation or, at the very least, an auspicious rebirth. The rites for the dead and dying work just as well when done remotely as when done in the presence of the deceased or dying person.

Cremation Ceremony - We can perform a cremation ceremony for your deceased loved one. The ceremony we use is The Concise Cremation Ritual composed by His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche. This ceremony works just as well when done remotely, especially when performed at the exact time of the cremation. We will guide you through the process and provide you with blessed substances to be cremated with your departed loved one. 

Traditionally, the first step to ensure the success of these practices is to make an appropriate offering. The Buddha himself made this very clear - requests for prayers, practices and teachings should always be accompanied by an expression of generosity. Here at Pristine Awareness we do not charge for performing prayers or practices. That being said we will accept donations to cover the cost of the offerings and materials that are used in the smoke pujas. Donations can also be made when requesting rites for the dead, as is customary. There is a set fee for other services, such as Tibetan astrology and Dream Interpretation.

To make a request send the name of the person for whom the practice is to be done along with their age and the reason the practice is needed as a note when making your donation. We may request some further information so please also include your email address.

Make your request by clicking the button below:

You may also send your prayer request by contacting us

3.Tibetan Astrology and Tibetan DreamWork

Tibetan astrology - One of our resident teachers, Pema Düddul, can produce a Tibetan Astrological Profile that includes your Tibetan astrological sign, element, favorable and unfavorable days and gives a basic overview of astrological influence on your personality. This two-page profile indicates how to overcome practice challenges and make the most of opportunities presented by astrological conditions.

Tibetan astrology is a rich, multifaceted system that reflects the cultural and spiritual heritage of Tibet, distinguishing it from both Western and Chinese astrological traditions. A unique blend of Indian, Chinese, and native Bon traditions, Tibetan astrology is divided into two main systems: the "Kartsi" (astronomy/astrology of the white calculations) which is based on the Kalachakra Tantra and Indian astrology, and the "Naktsi" (astrology of the black calculations), which is derived from Chinese astrology.

Key Features of Tibetan Astrology:

  1. Integration of Traditions: Combines Indian, Chinese, and indigenous Bon elements.
  2. Dual Systems: Kartsi (Indian influence) and Naktsi (Chinese influence).
  3. Elements and Animals: Uses a 12-year animal cycle (similar to Chinese astrology) and incorporates the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal, and water).
  4. Lunar Calendar: Based on a lunar calendar with specific calculations for various astrological phenomena.
  5. Spiritual Influence: Deeply tied to Tibetan Buddhism and spiritual practices.

Click on the Buy Now button to book this service. Don't forget to provide your name, gender, date of birth, and birth hour if known.

Tibetan Astrological Profile

$ 25.00 AUD

Please provide your name, date of birth, hour of birth, gender and an email address.

Tibetan DreamWork - Dream work and dream analysis is deeply rooted in the spiritual and psychological frameworks of Tibetan Buddhism. Dreams are considered important vehicles for spiritual insights, guidance, and self-awareness. Tibetan dream interpretation incorporates elements from the ancient Bon tradition, Buddhist teachings, and meditative practices. Unlike Western psychoanalytic approaches (such as those by Freud or Jung), Tibetan dream interpretation is deeply intertwined with Buddhist teachings and practices. Furthermore, while lucid dreaming is a modern interest in the West, it has been an integral practice in Tibetan Buddhism for centuries, aimed at spiritual awakening rather than just self-awareness. In DreamWork we explore:

  • Spiritual Insights: Dreams are seen as messages from our deeper awareness, often providing insights into one’s spiritual path and progress. 
  • Lucid Dreaming (Milam Naljor): A significant aspect of Tibetan dream yoga involves becoming aware that one is dreaming (lucid dreaming) to use the dream state for spiritual practice and enlightenment. Practitioners aim to control and transform dreams to gain wisdom and deepen their practice. 
  • Symbolism: Dreams are interpreted symbolically. Various symbols, colors, and scenarios within dreams are analyzed for their deeper meanings and implications. The interpretation often relies on traditional symbolic meanings within Tibetan culture and Buddhism. 
  • Guidance from Teachers: Dream interpretation often involves guidance from spiritual teachers or lamas. These teachers provide insights based on their understanding of Buddhist texts, symbols, and personal experience. 
  • Meditative Practices: Specific meditative practices before sleep, such as focusing on mantras or visualizations, are used to cultivate beneficial dreams and enhance the ability to interpret them meaningfully. DreamWork also reveals where we should focus our practice efforts and how we can deepen in our meditation.

When you submit your dream for analysis you will receive a one to two page report outlining the symbolic meaning of the dream and any specific practices or meditations you should do as indicated by the dream.

If you want to pursue DreamWork further contact us or click the Buy Now button opposite. All DreamWork sessions are provided by  Pema Düddul who is a qualified transpersonal counsellor and hypnotist, certified EFT therapist, and practitioner of a number of other therapeutic modalities.

Click on the Buy Now button to book this service. Don't forget to provide an email address.  

Tibetan Dream Analysis

$ 25.00 AUD

Provide an email address and we will contact you to provide this service.

DreamWork Session

$ 100.00 AUD

The sessions are held on Zoom or by phone and last one hour.

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© Copyright Pristine Awareness: Foundation for Buddhist Practice