NEWS, interviews, and podcasts

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Media interviews with Pristine Awareness instructors and teachers are archived below

MAY 2024 - At THIS LINK is a wonderful interview Ruth Kennedy did with Pema Düddul-la about using joy to become free of suffering. Pema appears from 51:15, but the whole program is worth listening to.

JUNE 2023 - Pema Düddul returned to the "What About Death!?" podcast to talk about the Tibetan Book of the Dead and their own book Luminous Awareness. There are two parts. Part One is HERE. Part Two is HERE.

JUNE 2023 - Pema Düddul on the "A State of Mind" podcast talking about his book (Luminous Awareness) and many other things. To listen click HERE

MAY 2023 - Click HERE to listen to Pema Düddul on the "What About Death!?" podcast talking about memory and memoir and their value to understanding dying, death and grief.

APRIL 2022 - Click HERE to listen to Reading the Tibetan Book of the Dead - A short radio interview on 2SER with Pema Düddul that is online as a podcast.

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