Every Single Moment Is The Seed Of Your Awakening!

This Bardo Practice program focuses on Dream Yoga, Rainbow Yoga (Illusory Form) and practices for the Bardo of Dying. The program involves applying the teachings in Lama Pema Düddul's books Luminous Awareness: A Guidebook to Natural Awakening in Life and in Death (volume two) and Effortless Freedom: Daily Contemplations for Awakening through the Bardo of Everyday Moments. This is a self-guided program supported by a workbook (available for download below). Further practice guidance and support is provided by Lama Pema Düddul by email. To receive a certificate of completion for the program you need to submit a number of assessments from the workbook. The program is wholly online and asynchronous, meaning you do the program at your own pace. That being said, the program is designed to be completed in a minimum of 12 and maximum of 16 months. You can start the program at any time. There are no live online sessions or in person requirements. The program can be done as part of The Path of Joy and Ease, our five year practice program, or as a stand-alone program. Teaching videos and audio recordings of guided practices are below. If you wish to do this program, please email us on

Although this program is offered without a fee, donations are welcome.

“The Bardo practices are about much more than death and dying. They are about the fact that every single moment is the seed of our awakening. This is because every moment is permeated by ultimate truth, the true nature of all, which is primordial wisdom or naked awareness. Bardo practice seizes the profound opportunity in each and every moment, and fulfils the promise of our Buddha Nature – complete and total liberation in this lifetime.”
~ Lama Dudjom Pema Düddul

A guidebook to natural awakening or enlightenment, this book by Lama Pema lays out a path of simple, unrestricted practices leading to the exact same result as the revered tradition of Tibetan Dzogchen – total awakening. Luminous Awareness translates the mystical and complex rituals and practices of The Tibetan Book of the Dead into a path of simple daily actions we can all apply right now.

“I am confident readers will find this book, Luminous Awareness: A Guidebook to Natural Awakening in Life and in Death, interesting and useful in understanding the way it explains the Buddhist approach to the end of life.” ~ His Holiness the Dalai Lama, from the foreword

"Luminous Awareness asks "What does the Buddha mean by rouse and correct ourselves? And how exactly do we look to our true nature?" This book is about providing the answers and offering a variety of practices to bring us closer to our true selves. Written with clarity and dedication to the dharma, Pema Duddul embraces the possibilities of an awakened life.” ~ Sharon Salzberg, author of the books Loving Kindness and Real Happiness

"That no one is exempt from death and the dying process is a central truth to the Buddhist tradition. Luminous Awareness offers a clear and approachable path to better understand the transformational power created in developing an engaged, contemplative relationship to the dying process. Pema Düddul skilfully distils this wisdom in a way that makes this rich work accessible, relatable and applicable to a varied readership." ~ Lama Justin von Bujdoss, author of Modern Tantric Buddhism: Embodiment and Authenticity in Dharma Practice.

Luminous Awareness holds within it everything one needs to awaken in this lifetime, or at the time of death. Full of essential practice instructions, inspiring words from great masters and clear explanations of the fundamentals of the Buddha-Dharma, I could not recommend this book more highly. It is a joy to read. Dudjom Pema Düddul is an exceptional Dharma teacher." ~ Rigdzin Jamyang Tenphel, author of Resting in Stillness and The Awakening Heart: 108 Pith Instructions for Buddhist Practice.

Awaken to the profound potential of everyday moments with Effortless Freedom: Daily Contemplations for Awakening through the Bardo of Everyday Moments. In this deeply insightful guide, Lama Pema Düddul illuminates the transformative power of the bardos—the transitional spaces in life, mind, and consciousness—inviting readers to discover their true nature amidst the ordinary flow of thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

With over 100 daily contemplations distilled from decades of teachings, this book offers practical wisdom to help you recognize the luminous awareness and boundless clarity that reside within every moment. Whether exploring the bardo of living, dreaming, or meditation, Lama Pema provides a path to integrate these profound truths into your daily life through simple yet powerful practices of reading, reflection, and meditation.

For anyone seeking spiritual depth, mindfulness, and the freedom to live authentically, Effortless Freedom is a beacon of clarity, guiding you toward awakening in the now.

“Every moment of every day is a window into your true nature—Bodhicitta.”

Explore the bardos of everyday moments, transcend illusions, and embrace the timeless awareness that is your true nature.

This is a companion work to  Luminous Awareness: A Guidebook for Awakening in Life and in Death.

NOTE: The free workbook below includes the majority of the contemplations from Effortless Freedom. 


This workbook includes activities and reflection exercises to guide you through Lama Pema Düddul's book Luminous Awareness: A Guidebook to Natural Awakening in Life and in Death. It also includes the majority of the contemplations from Effortless Freedom. To access the workbook you need to email us on and register for the program. To receive a certificate of completion for the program, you need to submit a number of assessments from this workbook. Instructions about how to submit assessments are in the workbook.


These are the main Tibetan bardo teachings that Lama Pema discusses in Luminous Awareness. These texts require transmission (lung) and instruction before reading or applying them in practice. Lama Pema will provide the transmission and instruction once each year. For dates and times of the transmissions go HERE.

1 - Longchenpa's "Crucial Advice: A Complete Set of Instructions for the Bardos"

Longchenpa - Crucial Advice.pdf Longchenpa - Crucial Advice.pdf
Size : 601.662 Kb
Type : pdf

2 - Karma Lingpa's "Root Verses on the Six Bardos" from Liberation Upon Hearing in the Bardo.

3 - Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal's "Refined Essence of Oral Instruction"


This is a self-guided program supported by a workbook. Apart from the videos and audio below, all practice instructions for this program are in Luminous Awareness. Chapter Fifteen of this textbook provides detailed instructions on how to do all of the bardo practices. There are further instructions for Dream Yoga and Rainbow Yoga in the book Effortless Freedom. Further practice guidance and support is provided by Lama Pema Düddul by email. If you have practice-related questions or questions about the bardo practice program itself email program administration and your questions will be forwarded to Lama Pema who will respond personally.


Guided Meditation (audio only)

Guided Meditation - Pema Duddul.mp3


Guided Dream Yoga (audio only)

Guided Dream Yoga Cv.mp3

Guided Rainbow Yoga (audio only)

Guided Rainbow MP3.mp3

Guided Guru Yoga (audio only)


1.Printable Buddha Nature Aphorism

Buddha_Nature_Aphorism.pdf Buddha_Nature_Aphorism.pdf
Size : 59.603 Kb
Type : pdf

3. Buddha Nature Image

5.Seed of Awakening Image

2.Printable Rainbow Yoga Aphorism

Illusory Form Aphorism.pdf Illusory Form Aphorism.pdf
Size : 52.774 Kb
Type : pdf

4.Rainbow Yoga Image

6. Guru Yoga Image

Although this program is offered without a fee, donations are welcome.

© Copyright Pristine Awareness: Foundation for Buddhist Practice